Berkley Earth's summary of the global climate in 2024
Robert Rohde, at Berkley Earth published the annual summary for 2024 on January 10th, 2025. You can find it [here]
The Berkley analysis finds the year’s mean to be 1.62℃ above the 1850-1900 average. The other five main centres have provisional numbers...
Clouds, Earth's albedo, and accelerated warming
The question of whether warming is accelerating, and if so, why, has become a serious research subject since the record-breaking heat of 2023, and the publication of Jim Hansen’s paper, the one we examined in Chapter 18. Hansen and his colleagues made...
Carbon dioxide is rising faster than ever ... why?
As we saw in Chapter 6, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air rises and falls on an annual rhythm, highest each year in the month of May, and lowest in September. In May 2023, the monthly mean value was 423.78 ppm. This year it was 426.7 ppm. The...
Extreme heat - a new estimate of how heatwaves will be distributed around the world
Climate models have been well supplied with observational data and physical theory so they can predict steadily worsening heatwaves. But, specially in the last couple of decades, extreme heat events have turned up around the world that exceeded any...